Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum

By Northern Allegheny Rotary Club (other events)

Tuesday, September 19 2017 6:00 PM 9:00 PM EDT

Ahoy Mates!

Shiver me timbers, it's a call for all hands on deck at Rum Runners Saloon for an evening of enjoying the company of our shipmates.

No lunch for this date, instead we have been washed ashore at the Saloon for some frolicking and plain old good times. Invite your other shipmates on over for an evening of tasty food and beverages.

We will be meeting in the upper deck of Rum Runners (for you land lubbers, that means the second floor).

This will take the place of our normally scheduled luncheon at Diamond Run. Please feel free to invite others who may be interested in becoming a Rotarian.

We will have a special menu for dinner to choose from as well as an open bar. To save our Treasurer a big headache, separate tabs will be allowed.

Follow the North star and we'll see you at Rum Runners!